Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Day Eight: Stuart Bailie


I remember the first time I met you, sitting at a wobbly table in Auntie Annies with Mr Matchett at a John D'Arcy gig. You walked over and sat beside me and Davy introduced me. I had only ever heard of this 'Stuart Bailie' person and thought 'Oh please don't ask me about my music taste!!'. Ha. Since then, you have become someone I look up to and someone who I am always happy to see!

I am so immensely proud of what Oh Yeah has become, it is such an honour to be involved in the place, and to have seen it emerge and grow as it has done in the last year or two. I believe that you are a massive part of that development. The work that you do behind the scenes for Oh Yeah goes unnoticed by so many and I know you can get a hard time from the odd bitter nut on the 'scene', but please know that those involved in Oh Yeah, know your worth and your commitment to the place - that goes without saying given the amount of time you spend there!!!

Thank you for welcoming me into the Oh Yeah family so readily on 5th May 2007 and for having a hand in some of the most inspirational, moving and unforgettable musical experiences of my life. There have been more than a few times when I have been moved to tears because of an Oh Yeah event (and not just the bad tears when it all goes tits up!!). Thank you for being so instrumental ('scuse the pun) in that Stu.

Keep doing what your doing and keep being there with a smile on your face regardless of the amount of hours you have spent haranguing people or filling out funding applications!

Thank you for all your commitment to a place that means so much to me and for generally being a 'great bunch of lads'!! Happy Advent Stu!

Love, wine, whimsical evenings and wholly enjoyable musical epiphanies! xx

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