Friday, 17 December 2010

Day Seventeen: Jonny Baxter


Well, matey! Where to begin? When I think of you, there are so many favourite memories that I couldn't just choose one. Whether is be The Bridge, Romania, Belgium, Ballycastle, the With or Without You moment..... Like I said, too many to choose from!

I can't tell you how much the support you have given me over the last few months (and beyond) has meant. That lunch in The House that day is one of the nicest things that happened around that time. The fact that you cared enough to come all the way over touched me so much and it's something I just can't thank you enough for.

All your little check ins, whether they be glances or text messages mean the world to me. You have a way of texting me just when I need to be cheered up, or when I need some encouragement or even just reasurance that God is listening ;)

One of my favourite things about working for the YMCA is the fact that I actually have an excuse to check in with you, to go on training sessions with you and of course, to go to London the odd time too. You are one of my favourite people to work with and I don't know whether it is because we have known one another for so long- but even if it isn't, I always have so much fun when we co-facilitate and you have such a knack for putting me at ease when delivering sessions.

Thank you for everything Jonny, I know there have been ups and downs, but I feel like these past few years have seen our friendship grow strong enough that if you needed anything, there would be nothing I wouldn't do, and recently has shown me that you would definately step up for me. Thank you for giving me encouragement to follow my faith as well, I don't find it easy and you always seem to make it a reality for me. And I will never forget the original sentiment of PUSH, that got me through more than I can tell you.

Love, giraffes, pamplemoose, duckb.... ;) , U2, angels and PUSH bracelets... xxx

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