Saturday 25 December 2010

Day Twenty-Five: Harriet O'Neill


So here it is, the last Advent Lovely. You are indeed the culmination of a month's worth of goodwill and love. I don't think anything I write will ever be enough to tell you adequately how much I love you or how much I appreciate all that you do for me... but I will give it a go!

You have always sacrificed so much to be as good a mother to us all as possible. You were forever trying to make sure we had as great a childhood as we possibly could- and for the record, that didn't go unnoticed by the three of us. We all know how hard you worked then, and continue to work, and how much you provided for us.

Aside from the 'usual' motherly stuff, you have endured more than your fair share of worry and heartache on my behalf. I know at times I wasn't an easy child (or teen, for that matter) to have; but your unending love and patience has guided me through even the roughest of times. I will always be in your debt for that.

Despite our tumultuous relationship in my teens (what girl doesn't dislike their mum at 15?!) I am so proud and thankful of the relationship we now have. Everyone I know knows of my mum, you truly are the most fabulous person I know - and I mean fabulous in the eccentric, loud, bold, flamboyant and wonderful sense! I love how you have never been afraid to stand out from the crowd and never reticent to display your personality through the clothes you wear or the colour of your hair (whether it be pillar box red or that bloody purple streak you have now!). You really are a star!

I think it is testament to our love and relationship with one another as to how honest and frank we are with one another. I think the fact that I still can call on you for any of life's dramas and you will be at my side as quickly as you can shows how close we are. These past few months have been undeniably difficult but your love, care and consideration has never failed to raise me up. I have always had it in the back of my mind to be strong for you- you are the motivating factor to not letting anything come in my way.

I am so thankful and blessed to have a mother like you (I don't think I could have imagined saying that when you turned up to my school in leopard print leggings and newly dyed bright red hair, but such is the passing of time!!!!). I am constantly in awe of your strength and your determination. It used to terrify me that I was turning into you, but now I think I am resigned to the fact that I can only strive to be as fabulous as you are!!

Thank you for all you are and all you do mamma. I will never be able to repay you for all you have done for me, but I promise you this... I will try my best not to put you into Kelly's Nursing Home. That is the best I can do ;)

Love you to the end of the universe and back.... Love, purple hair, leopard print, meals for one from Marks and Spencer (and the other thing) and all that having a wonderful mother-daughter relationship entails. You amaze me. (You're still bloody mental though, don't forget that!!)

Love you muchly Harribo xoxo

Friday 24 December 2010

Day Twenty-Four: Victoria Erskine


There is only so much I can write on this blog because if I were to write everything you are to me, I would be here all week and also some of it should never be committed to print ;)

Of all those I hold dear to me, we hve probably been through the most! Breakups, makeups, silly mistakes, mammoth mistakes, love, tears, achievements and struggles. You have been by my side (literally or metaphorically) through so many major life events, and vice versa.

There are times when I just can't imagine not knowing you or not having you in my life because no matter what happens, we always without fail, connect with one another. You have been my best friend, my rock and my support through so much, that it would be impossible to truly thank you for all you have done or all you have been to me.

I have never been more proud of anyone as I was when you moved to London. As terrifying as it was, having you move to the big smoke, I always knew it was in your plan. It was essentially what you were designed to do! It took so much courage and yet you just tackled it straight on. You always have had that 'grab life' attitude that I so envy! I am more delighted than words can attest to at how your city adventure is shaping up. You deserve the world Victoria and if I know you at all, I hope you won't stop til you get it.

You have always been one of the most thoughtful and attentive friends I have known. Where my memory is rubbish, you seem to remember every important date and you always manage to send a text or a card when you know I will appreciate it most. I hope you always know just how appreciated it actually is.

Thank you from the deepest recesses of my heart for your love, your friendship, your care and for just being you. I cant wait to know the Vic of ten, twenty or forty years from now- we will still be going to tesco and having challenges to see who can buy the most random purchase!! :)

I love you immensely! Love, amazing shoes, shiny tescos, toy soldiers, gremlins and letters.

I hope that every single dream you have for the next year comes true, and more. xxx

Thursday 23 December 2010

Day Twenty-Three: Amy Joyce


I simply don't think there are enough words to express the bond we have. You are one of the most amazing, strong, beautiful and genuine ladies I have ever met. And I am blessed to know quite a few of those type of women- so you're up there!!

I love thinking of how we were when we first met and how far we have come to this point! I love the irony and the randomness of our friendship. I have always said that the testament of a true friendship is when who you call on when big things happen. As you can probably tell now, I am thinking that we have a true friendship! Whether it be panics on the playing fields, breakdowns in card shops or flat tyres, I know that I can call you- and it works both ways.

I cannot even begin to tell you how inspirational you are and you don't even realise it. You have dealt with more in your life than most other 'grown ups' I know, and yet you don't complain, you rarely show anyone the depths of what is going on and you are always able to look after the needs of others before your own. I think it's the fact that you do all this so instinctively without ever expecting anything in return that makes you so amazing! I just hope you know how many people see what you do and think you are beyond wonderful!!

I am so thankful and blessed to have you in my life Amy, you are a true gem and I am forever in your debt for all the support and love you have given me over recent times. You have mopped more tears and downed more jager with me than would be considered healthy!!

I love you to absolute pieces darling and would go to the ends of the earth for you if you needed me to.

Love, jager, dog hairs, shoe sharing, sisterly love, finishing sentences and so so much more xxx

Day Twenty-two :Chris Flack


Well, how to begin buddy?! We have been through the best of times and we have been through the worst of times. Always friends, and most definately always there for one another.

I can't think of anyone else who has got me into more random situations than you have and I can't think of anyone that I have drank more coffee with or bitched about the world with more either. You are one of life's good people, one of the individuals that the universe sends along that instantly makes me you think, 'Yep, we could totally be friends'!

I know that I take the piss out of you a lot, and vice versa, but deep down I hope you know what you mean to me. You have always been like a brother to me, always watching out for me, forever protective and constantly reassuring.

I simply do not know how I could have coped those first, dark days without you by my side. Whether it be throwing things at Walls or encouraging (blackmailing) me to eat.... You were there for me in every single sense of the word. I had the potential to fall into a heap but not only did you bring me up, you got me laughing. For the test of my life, I will always remember that.

One of my proudest moments this year was being part of your wedding to the wonderful Raechelle. I have never been so moved by a service and perhaps it was that I knew what journey you had been on to get to that place or maybe it was just the emotion of seeing you so happy. Either way I felt so blessed to be part of it.

Thank you for everything that you have done for me Chris. Whether it's to politically motivate me, to educate me, to encourage me... Even just making me smile. You are one in an absolute million and (dramatic pause) I love you to death.

You are, and hopefully always will be, one of my truest and best friends.

Love, tears, ducks, awful hand ornaments, elections and coffee, so so much coffee... Xxx

Tuesday 21 December 2010

Day Twenty-One: Joe and Mary Lindsay

Joe and Mary:

Firstly, I need to start by saying you both a huge pair of treats! Both of you never cease to make me smile anytime we meet and I adore spending time with you guys.

Joe, I encountered you on a number of occasions in the Oh Yeah but it was only when I came in to appear on your radio show to help you quit smoking that you realised I had a 'proper job' as you put it!! That I wasn't just the girl who only ever wore Oh Yeah tshirts and gave out booze!! Those appearances on your show were the most enjoyable I ever had to do within that role. I clearly wasn't very good, as your lingering habit can attest ;) (and as for my own...well!)

I will always remember your generosity when it comes to a cause, whether it be giving up your time to compare/dj or trying your best to raise awareness- you were always so willing to be involved.

From the moment I saw you both together, you have always seemed like such an amazing couple who clearly both dote on another and are the best of mates at the same time. The relationship you have is one I can only wish to aspire to having myself someday! I have never been in your company Joe without you mentioning how beautiful, stunning, amazing, (insert other superlatives here) your wife is. It is so beautiful to witness that, and heartwarming that Mary says the same for you.

I want to thank you both from the bottom of my heart for the support you have offered over the last year! As I said above, it is always an absolute pleasure to spend time in the company of you both. Over these last few months your friendship has been an immense source of support and I can't tell you how much that means. You are both wonderful friends and beautiful people (despite Joe's incessant slagging of me!!) ;)

Thank you again for being there and for all the laughs, hugs and pickmeups!

Love, good tunes, fabulous fashion sense (that one's for Mary) and above all, friendship xxx

Monday 20 December 2010

Day Twenty: LaFaro

Jonny, Dave, Herb and Alan:

There just aren;t enough words to tell you guys how proud I am of you all, individually and collectively. It's not often you get to say that you are a massive fan of your friends' band- but that's exactly what I am. A massive fan first, friend second.

This year has seen you goes go from strength to strength, whether it be massive tours supporting big bands or releasing an album or recording another one in weeks! It always makes me and Amy smile at gigs to see how crazy people go for your stuff! Its amazing :)

On a personal note, you guys have just been brilliant friends over the last year and especially the last few months. It means the absolute world to know you have friends like you guys, always willing to stand up for you and there when you need them. Thank you.

When I look back on this year, it feels like you and Amy dominated it for me. You both have been there for me more than most. I love you to bits pet, and being the person who introduced me to Amy, I have to thank you immensely for that- I simply cannot imagine not having either one of you in my life. Thank you for everything, the hugs, the smiles, the car fixing, the teaching of cars, the general Jonny-ness. Thank you xx

I cant explain how one text asking me if I wanted a cup of tea can make the world of difference, but it can. The fact that you guys were there when I most needed someone to be there will always stand out for me. I cant thank you enough for your friendship pet.

Your reaction when I phoned you that night will always stay with me, the fact that you were there in minutes is one of the most touching things I can remember. Thank you for all your support, all the late night chats, all the drunken dinner parties and all the hugs, especially the hugs.

I am so proud of where you are at right now. You have no idea just how amazing a person (and a drummer) you actually are. I know it takes time for you to trust people and come round to them, but I am so glad I get to call you a friend, and vice versa. You deserve the world hon, go get it! :)

Thank you to all four of you, you have made this year better, just by being around...

"It's the spaces in between that make sense of everything"

All my love xxx

Sunday 19 December 2010

Day Nineteen: Marie Adams


Any friend of mine knows you as my 'second mummy' and that is probably as apt a description as one can muster. You have known me the longest, bar Mum and Dad of anyone I am really close to and have always been the most amazing source of care, compassion and support.

You may not think it but you are one of the most amazingly strong people I know. I realise that there are times that you don't believe it of yourself, but you are. You have dealt with the blows life has dealt you with dignity, courage and hope. That is one of your best features. You take things in your stride.

You are possibly one of my most formative role models, aside from my mum, you are the most important female figure in my life. You have always taught me to see the other side of the story, to regain perspective and to always, always believe in myself. I can't tell you how much you mean to me, because there are simply not enough words in the English language to adequately define the depth of love there.

As I have grown up you have always been the one to fight my corner with mum when I was a messed up teenager, and simalarly you were always the one to fight mum's corner when I was a petulant teenager! Always the go-between and the peace-keeper, your role has been instrumental in the relationship I have with mum now. I hope when I am your age that I have a best friend like you that (if I have any) my daughters can call to for support.

Thank you for everything you have done for me and thank you for everything you are. (In case you don't know, everything you are is a little bit wonderful!!)

All the love in the world, babby toothy smiles, ballyclare high knickers, red wine, the best cooking and drunken ramblings xxxx